Ticket or other documents orders are processed on our behalf by TiBox engine through our ticket shop. TiBox has no direct relation with ticket buyers. If you have any questions about your tickets, our ticket shop, your order or otherwise relating to an event or location, please contact us, not TiBox. Likewise, if you would like us to amend or delete any of the personal data you have provided to us, please contact us, not TiBox.

Terms of use

Tax number: 405472368


This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) is an Agreement concluded between the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) and the buyer of services - an individual (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), defining the conditions for the purchase and provision of services using the Contractor’s resources.


The Contractor publishes this offer with an offer to individuals and legal entities.

This Offer, like any Agreement, defines the essential terms of interaction between the Contractor and the Customer (the person accepting the Offer).

This Offer is concluded between the Contractor and the Customer at the time of placing an order for the provision of services.

The offer can be accepted by any individual or legal entity who intends to order (purchase) services provided by the Contractor in accordance with the list of services indicated on the website.

The customer unconditionally accepts all the conditions contained in the offer as a whole (i.e. in full and without exception).

If the terms of this Offer are accepted, an individual or legal entity becomes the Customer.

Acceptance is the receipt by the Contractor of notification of the intention of an individual or legal entity to order services on the terms proposed by this Offer.


The site is designed to organize remote sales of services via the Internet.

The Contractor is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Customer when placing an order on the Contractor's website.


The customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an order and its purity from claims of third parties.

The Customer automatically confirms his agreement with the terms established by this Offer when paying for services on the Contractor’s website.

Services are purchased by the Customer exclusively for personal, family, and household needs not related to business activities.


The Contractor, based on the Customer’s orders, sells services to the latter in accordance with the conditions and prices established by the Contractor on the website.

The provision of services ordered and paid for by the Customer is carried out by the Contractor or third parties engaged by the Contractor to fulfill their obligations.

Regarding the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor, an individual or legal entity is considered to have accepted all the terms of the Offer and its annexes in full and without exception from the moment the Contractor receives notification of the Customer’s intention to order services on the terms proposed by the Contractor. When purchasing services, the Offer is considered automatically accepted by the customer.


The Customer can place an order independently on the Contractor’s website or through the Contractor’s specialist by phone indicated on the website, under the terms of the Service Agreement.

When placing an order on the Contractor’s website, the Customer is obliged to provide the following data:

Full name, contact phone number and email address of the Customer.

The Customer’s will is expressed by entering the latest relevant data into the order form on the Contractor’s website or by submitting an application through the Contractor’s specialist using information and telecommunications means or by email (e-mail).


All information materials presented on the Contractor’s website are for reference only and cannot fully convey information about the properties and characteristics of the services. If the Customer has any questions about the properties and characteristics of the services, the Customer must contact the Contractor’s specialist by phone numbers listed on the website before placing an order.

At the Customer’s request, the Contractor’s specialist is obliged to provide (by telephone or via email) other information necessary and sufficient, from the Customer’s point of view, for him to make a decision on ordering services.


The Customer has the right to place an order for any of the types of services provided on the Contractor’s website. Each type of service can be ordered in any quantity. Exceptions to this rule are given in the description of each type of service.

The order can be placed by the Customer by phone numbers indicated on the website, or placed independently on the website.

After placing an order, the Contractor confirms the Customer’s order by sending an e-mail to the Customer indicating the name, type and characteristics of the services.


The price is indicated on the Contractor's website.

The price indicated on the website may be changed by the Contractor unilaterally, but the price for services ordered and paid for by the Customer cannot be changed.


Payment methods and procedures are indicated on the website. If necessary, the procedure and terms of payment for the order are negotiated by the Customer with the Contractor’s specialist.

The Customer pays for the order in any way available on the Contractor’s website.

Payments by the Parties when paying for an order are made in the currency indicated on the website.


The customer has the right to refuse services.

The customer does not have the right to refuse services performed (rendered) properly.

If the Customer refuses the services, the Contractor returns to the Customer the amount paid by the Contractor in accordance with the contract, excluding the Contractor's expenses.


The parties are responsible in accordance with the laws of the country in which the service is provided.

The Contractor is not responsible for damage caused to the Customer as a result of improper use of the results of services ordered on the Contractor's website.

The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Offer at the time of force majeure circumstances.


The relations between the Customer and the Contractor are subject to the rules determined by the legislation of the country in which the service is provided.

In case of any questions or claims on the part of the Customer, the latter must contact the Contractor at the email address and/or telephone number indicated on the Contractor’s website.

This Offer comes into force from the date of payment by the Customer for the service and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under it.

All disputes and disagreements arising when the Parties fulfill their obligations under this Offer are resolved through negotiations, and if they cannot be resolved through negotiations, the Parties have the right to apply for resolution of such disputes to the judicial authorities at the location of the Contractor.

The Contractor reserves the right to expand and reduce the general offer of services on the site, regulate access to ordering any services, as well as stop or terminate the sale of any services at its discretion.